Tuesday brought the last full day of events for the 2014 Little Pink Summer Tour of Hope! The morning started out at Central United Methodist Church in Florence, South Carolina. The event was organized by Alum Ryan Poston, who made sure that everything was just right. It was a joy to meet her son and his fiancee, talk to the women from the church about the mission and vision of Little Pink and see the generous Florence community in action. The day ended with a private party hosted by my brother and sister-in-law, Kevin and Meredith Patten. It was the perfect way to end the perfect trip- surrounded by family! And I even got a surprise- my husband Terry could not wait another day to see me and showed up in Columbia unannounced! I have been blessed to be able to see all of my family on this trip and the love for Little Pink that they share. Kevin recently attended a retreat in Key West and the impact that it can have on a family is only matched by the way in which it affects volunteers. The evening was capped off with a special group of guests, the Fretto family. Their family attended a retreat in October of last year. It was only fitting that the tour end with us raising our glasses to the beautiful Barb Fretto who passed away earlier this year.
Thanks to every stop along the way! Post of the finish line coming soon!