Internal Use Only Credit Card Send to all individuals that have LPHOH credit card issued in their name. One time agreement Policy Regarding Use of LPHOH Issued Credit Card*I agree to the Policy and Use Agreement of LPHOH Issued Credit CardsLPHOH will issue company credit cards to certain employees and or volunteers for use in their jobs/ roles; this policy sets out the acceptable and unacceptable uses of such credit cards. Use of company-issued credit cards is a privilege, which LPHOH may withdraw in the event of serious or repeated abuse. Any credit card LPHOH issues to an employee or volunteer must be used for business purposes only, in conjunction with the employee or volunteer’s duties. Employees and volunteers with such credit cards shall not use them for any non-business, non-essential purpose, i.e., for any personal purchase or any other transaction that is not authorized or needed to carry out their duties. Employees and volunteers must pay for personal purchases (i.e., transactions for the benefit of anyone or anything other than LPHOH) with their own funds or personal credit cards. LPHOH will not regard expenses for one's own business-related use, such as lodging and meals while on company-approved business trips, as personal purchases, as long as such expenses are consistent with LPHOH's travel and expense reimbursement policy. Volunteers and Employees must seek prior approval for purchases. If any employee/ volunteer uses a company credit card for personal purchases in violation of this policy, the cost of such purchase(s) will be considered an advance of future wages payable to that employee, and will be recovered in full from the employee's next paycheck; any balance remaining will be deducted in full from subsequent paychecks until the wage advance is fully repaid. In the case of a volunteer using the company credit card for personal purchases in violation of this policy, the cost of such purchases needs to be paid immediately. Failure to agree to such payment will result in the volunteer no longer being allowed to volunteer with the organization. If an employee uses a company credit card for any other type of unauthorized transaction in violation of this policy, i.e., incurs financial liability on LPHOH's part that is not within the scope of the employee's duties or the employee's authorization to make business-related purchases, the cost of such purchase(s) or transaction will be the financial responsibility of that employee, and the employee will be expected to reimburse LPHOH via deductions from pay until the unauthorized amount is fully repaid. In addition to financial responsibility and liability for wage deductions, any purchases an employee makes with a company credit card in violation of this policy will result in disciplinary action, up to and possibly including termination of employment, depending upon the severity and repeat nature of the offense. I hereby certify that I understand and agree to abide by LPHOH's policy regarding use of company-issued credit cards, a copy of which I have received, and which has been explained to me. I agree that if I make any personal purchases (i.e., transactions for the benefit of anyone or anything other than LPHOH) in violation of that policy, the amount of such purchases is an advance of future wages payable to me, that LPHOH may deduct that amount from my next paycheck or request immediate payment in the case of a volunteer, and that if there is a balance remaining after such deduction, LPHOH may deduct the balance of the wage advance from my future paychecks until the amount is repaid in full. I further agree that if I make any non-personal transactions in violation of the policy in question, i.e., incur financial liability on LPHOH's part that is not within the scope of my duties or my authorization to make business-related purchases, I am financially responsible for any such expenses and agree to reimburse LPHOH via wage deductions for such amounts until the unauthorized amounts are fully repaid as an employee or volunteer. Signature* I understand that completing my name in this box constitutes a legal signature confirming that I acknowledge and agree to the above Terms of Acceptance.Date*