Post Retreat Survey Post Retreat Survey How was your overall experience?Did it meet your expectations? What activities resonated with you the most (physically, emotionally, mentally) and why?How did you find the group’s dynamic?Is there anything specific about your experience that you would like to share with us?Did the vacation help you build relationships, friendships, and supportive networks?How do you plan to maintain them moving forward?How has the retreat impacted your overall perspective on life, self-care, and your approach on managing the challenges or breast cancer survivorship?In what ways did the retreat contribute to personal growth or self-empowerment?Do you have any advice to those who may be hesitant in participating in applying for travel assistance?What was the most significant part of the retreat experience and why?Travel Assistance Questions:As a travel assistance recipient, how did you find the travel application and funding process?As a travel assistance recipient, how did you find the travel application and funding process? How did the funding impact your ability to attend the retreat?How did the funding impact your ability to attend the retreat?Name Retreat Attended