Retreat Leaders Weekend Prep Questionnaire Retreat Leaders Weekend Prep Questionairre You Name* You have been chosen for this place of leadership and we hope that you feel successful in your position. In what areas are you most proud of in the way that you lead?*Knowing that we all have the ability to grow, when you look at your leadership role, what are skills that you feel might be missing or need more attention developing this upcoming year?Is there information, processes, or responsibilities that you feel like the Little Pink staff assumes that you know, but you need more direction or guidance?We know that you give so much of your time to be in a place of leadership with our organization. What can the Little Pink staff do to make your experience as a volunteer more enjoyable?If you had a supervisor this past year on your retreat, please tell us what aspects of that supervision worked and what you would change to make it a better experience.Last year at our Retreat Leaders Weekend, we focused on creating EPIC moments. This year, we will be focusing on the People of Worth and the relationships that we create. Describe how you feel you do at creating strong relationships with people tied to your retreat and which relationships you need to work on. (participants, volunSTARs, your leader counterpart, vendors, community members, etc. )WoW moments- last year our focus was on creating EPIC Wow moments for our families. During our Leaders Retreat, we would like to share stories and photos of what was done this year. What WOW moment did you create and how did your participants or volunSTARS react?WoW moments- last year our focus was on creating EPIC Wow moments for our families. During our Leaders Retreat, we would like to share stories and photos of what was done this year. Please upload a picture if you have one that goes with your WoW story.Max. file size: 50 MB.Do you have anything else that you want to share during the Retreat Leaders' weekend that you want to make us aware of?