This trip allowed me to take a step back and enjoy every moment with my family.

Mae Boza
2021 Participant/Breast Cancer Survivor
Emerald Isle, NC
On my 30th birthday I found a lump. I was terrified because this would mean that I am the third generation to have cancer. The day after my husband‘s birthday in January I was diagnosed with cancer. So for my journey through my 38th year I will have battled cancer the entire time. Surgery, chemotherapy, more surgery, targeted immunotherapy, radiation. The list goes on and on. While I’m not alone in my journey with my family having a history, I have felt alone because I’m so young and don’t personally know anybody who lives near me. I’m an extrovert at heart so I share everything, however I don’t share enough. When it comes to my family I try to stay as strong as possible. I put forth all of my effort and all of my strength into being the mama bear. This trip allowed me to take a step back and enjoy every moment with my family. Thank you Little Pink, for allowing me to take the time to breathe in every moment with my family. Thank you Little Pink, for allowing me to grow closer with my family. And thank you Little Pink, for allowing me to meet other people who are just like me!