The week I spent on the Little Pink retreat was the first time that I felt like myself, not who I used to be, but the woman I have become.

When I was diagnosed with breast cancer I decided I was going to put my head down, power through treatment, and then put it behind me and pretend it never happened. I was not going to let it change me. Fast forward a little over a year and I am changed. After chemo, I struggled emotionally and I grieved the loss of who I used to be. I can honestly say that the week I spent on the Little Pink retreat was the first time that I felt like myself, not who I used to be, but the woman I have become.
I felt comfortable in my own skin, genuinely at peace, loved, supported, understood, appreciated…special. I bonded with women who knew exactly what I had been through and yet it didn’t feel negative or sad at all (until we had to say goodbye). It was truly amazing how I was on a vacation because of my cancer and yet I never felt like a cancer patient while I was there. I could not have recreated this on my own. It took an army of amazing people in pink shirts who pampered us constantly. My husband and I had the time to rediscover each other after over a year of just trying to survive the day. My daughter absolutely fell in love with our Volunstar which allowed my husband and me to actually relax for the first time in years. We made family memories that will last a lifetime, memories that have helped us heal. I feel so much stronger. Thank you Little Pink!