One of the other ladies and I truly connected...She said, “I didn’t realize how alone I felt until I wasn’t alone anymore.”

Lynne Middleton
2021 Participant/Breast Cancer Survivor
Orange Beach, AL
I was diagnosed with breast cancer in December of 2019 at the age of 41. My mass was 7cm large and I underwent chemo for six treatments. I had a lumpectomy and then 25 rounds of radiation. It was a terrifying, humbling experience.
Applying to LPHOH was a suggestion from one of my nurses. We applied and were chosen for a retreat between surgery and radiation. Unfortunately my radiology oncologist would not allow me to postpone treatment and we did not get to attend that retreat. So we applied again and were awarded another retreat and we attended the Orange Beach, AL in August of 2021.
There were seven other survivors and their families there, but one of the other ladies and I truly connected. It may have been that we were the same age or that our treatment plan had some similarities, it may have been that we had children the same age, it may have just been God – I’m pretty positive that was it. One day she and I sat down at the beach together by ourselves for several hours and just talked. We talked about diagnosis, treatment, side effects, sicknesses, and how our husbands and children felt.
That night I replayed the conversation in my head and felt such relief in being able to share and understand her feelings. The next day at dinner, we thanked each other for listening and for being there for one another. She said, “I didn’t realize how alone I felt until I wasn’t alone anymore.”
What a wonderful thing you’ve done, Little Pink. You connect people, you love people, and you inspired and motivated me to give back. I cannot wait until I’m able to help others by volunteering with you!