College, like kayaking, is a new and scary adventure, but I know in the end I will love it! I can not wait to start in my career path, to make my family proud, and to take on another new and scary adventure.

When I was just twelve years old, I remember sitting on our living room floor when my parents told me and my sister that my mom had been diagnosed with breast cancer for the first time. I remember crying uncontrollably and knowing that my life was about to change. I knew that I was going to have to grow up, take on more responsibilities, and embrace new opportunities that would change me for the rest of my life. My mom started her treatment, including Chemo, surgery, and radiation, and became more tired every day.
In order to help her, I started doing more chores, like helping to plan and doing the weekly shopping. I tried to grow up fast and be the biggest help I could be. I even learned how to cook on my own! Unfortunately, six months after she completed her treatment, she had to go through it again as her cancer metastasized to her brain. This experience made me realize that life is not always what one planned, and it initiated a period of personal growth.
Although my mom’s breast cancer was extremely devastating, it did present new opportunities that I might not have otherwise experienced. The most meaningful one being the family retreat through “Little Pink Houses of Hope,” which provided our family an opportunity to get away from the stress of my mom’s illness and be together and with other families facing the same situation.
The “Little Pink Houses of Hope” retreat to Oak Island four years ago is something that I will never forget. It has left a huge, lasting impact on me to this day, and it was one of the best experiences I have ever had. It helped me understand and spend time with other families who were going through a similar situation. It also helped me push myself to be more adventurous, as I got to experience many things that I had never done, and am now in love with.
For example, my favorite day on the retreat was when we went kayaking. I was so scared, nervous, and dead set on not liking it. I had recently fallen out of a canoe and was afraid of the same thing happening. Everyone was so nice and encouraging and got me to get in and give it a try. I was
absolutely terrified at first, but once I started to get the hang of it, I loved it. They had to beg me to get out of the kayaks! It was so amazing that I asked for kayaks for Christmas just a few months later. I try to go out on our local river as much as I can now.
I also remember one day we fished off the pier. I had not caught a single thing by the time we were supposed to leave for lunch. Luckily for me and my determination, they let us continue to fish while everyone else went to lunch. It felt like it took forever, but eventually, I caught my fish! It was definitely not a fish to brag about, but I was so proud of having patience and persistence.
This trip opened my eyes to so many new things that now I love, but through all these activities and adventures, I believe it taught me some good lessons about dealing not only with my mom’s cancer, but with life in general. It taught me that even though something is scary at first, all you need is encouraging, supportive people at your side reminding you that everything is going to be okay.
Also, it taught me that like my mom’s cancer, there will be other challenges where the battle will not be done and over with quickly. However, with determination and patience, I can be successful. This trip truly meant so much to me and made such a lasting impression on my life and the way I now view struggles and hardships.
I am planning to attend my dream college, The University of North Carolina at Wilmington, which ironically is near Oak Island! I love the beach, and as soon as I stepped on the campus, I knew I wanted to call it home for the next four years of my life. It is an absolutely amazing school and has a great program for my intended major, which is elementary education.
Following in my mom’s footsteps has not always been what I wanted to do. I have wanted to be a broadcaster, an artist, and a princess, as all little girls do, but I recently realized that being a teacher is what is going to make me happy. Teaching, as my mom always reminds me, is a very hard but very rewarding job. Being an outgoing and enthusiastic person, I believe that this career will be perfect for me.
Personally, I also want to be able to invoke change and impact people’s lives just as “Little Pink Houses of Hope” does to so many people every year. Just like I was encouraged and supported to try new, challenging things, I believe that I can help children in the same way.
Luckily, pre-Covid, I got to shadow a teacher in a kindergarten classroom and absolutely loved it! That is when I realized that I want to be a kindergarten teacher. I know it will not be an easy journey, but I am so excited to take on my new adventure and know with determination and patience, I can meet the challenge.
My motivation to attend college is about pursuing my intended major and earning a Bachelor’s Degree, so that I can help and support children in a positive way. Another motivation is to make my family proud. We have faced so much together over the last four years, I think attending college and following in my mom’s footsteps will be a very positive achievement that will make them proud.
College, like kayaking, is a new and scary adventure, but I know in the end I will love it! I can not wait to start in my career path, to make my family proud, and to take on another new and scary adventure.
Being awarded the Children of Hope Scholarship will help to make my goal a reality.